I'm outraged that people say the beginning of this phrase so often.

Just kidding, I'm not really outraged. But listen to the news, listen to people - real people. It is very likely that you will hear one of two phrases.
1) I am outraged that...
2) I'm furious about...
I guess I have become slightly calloused to these phrases. My dad, the ever observant one, brought it to my attention the other day. He asked me why I thought that people are always outraged and angry.
Although I didn't have an answer, I have been much more aware of how often people get upset over assorted things. Just check out the headlines from the last couple days. Take a peek on Facebook if you dare. You'll see links to news articles, personal opinions, people verbally attacking other people because their personal opinions are different. You'll see the anger and ultimately the sin of people pouring out of them.
Things like forests and endangered species have more protection from their outraged supporters than many unborn babies.
It is incredibly easy to jump on a bandwagon. Speaking from experience, I am quick to judge, slow to listen, and slow to show love a lot of the time. Certain stereotypes and stories can lead me to conclusions and opinions just as fast as anyone else. But there is a problem. I don't see people's hearts. When I look at a person or hear a story, I'm making a judgement based on my opinion and perception. I don't know what is going on in their heart, what God is doing in their life, or what He has planned for them. There is only one ultimate judge. Someday every person will stand in front of Him and have to give an account for every careless word, hate-filled passion, and every sin. Yet I can scroll through my newsfeed judging people who are posting their judgements of other people. Where does it stop?
This post isn't at all meant to be a judgment... cause I'm right there with everyone else. Instead, I hope it can be a call to action. For me, I want to be more about forgiveness, love and showing grace than jumping to conclusions, gossiping or judging. Let's be a people that shows the love of Christ in obvious ways! Let's be careful of what comes out of our mouths (and out of our fingers on social media)... Matthew 12:34 "For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." Let's stand for what is right, but let's stand in humility and love. Let's be more concerned about living as ambassadors of Christ than as ambassadors of self.
And let's be outraged at sin (especially the sin in our own lives) without condemning people or putting ourselves above others.