"You have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life?"
-Little Women
I grew up reading Little Women and imagining that the March sisters were real humans that I could spend time with. A few weekends ago I met them... I don't know if a more accurate group of sisters could personify Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy like Sarah, Emily, Anna, and Kristin do. When Emily asked me to take their photos, I basically passed out from happiness. As a photographer there are times when you creep on people and imagine how awesome it would be to photograph them... (yeah it is a sad truth that I admit I have done) but then sometimes, those dreams take flight and become reality! It was an honor to capture these stunning ladies and their adorable friendship.

"I could never love anyone as I love my sister."
"Meg and Jo" (Not in order of age, but how I think of them ;)
"Beth and Amy"

You probably wont believe me, but I hardly edited this photo. When I saw it I couldn't stop staring. Em, you are gorgeous!!

This plaid scarf and Kristin's adorable smile are the cutest!

Such a radiant smile!
I thought it couldn't get any better, but then we found this church/house...

Basically the March's house!! I was inwardly (and maybe a little outwardly) freaking out.
Thank you guys for making my job so easy and so fun! I had a blast with you all despite the cold and I felt like I was living a childhood dream ;} (Also, I hope this blog post helps a little bit while you wait for your package since you have all been so patient and amazing!)