Monday, June 22, 2015

60 Days and Counting

“It will come sometime. Some beautiful morning she will just wake up and find it is Tomorrow. Not Today but Tomorrow. And then things will happen ... wonderful things.” 

"Dear Bride to be,
You hear a lot of lies and negativity in your own head and even from the lips of others (you are the center of attention, your wedding won't be very 'nice', your dress isn't right, the day won't be perfect unless everything goes according to plan, you only get married once so make it perfect...) and on and on. Here are some truths for you: it is God's performance, not yours. He did all the arranging so far, rest in Him! Weddings are special, but your man is more special! Look for ways to bless him and please him more than yourself. Don't compare. The seed of eternal discontentment is forever found in comparing. Don't compare dresses, budgets, or venues - you will never be happy. Instead, relax and have fun. This time is short and precious - enjoy it! Don't worry about what other people think, don't stress about matching or coordinating colors, embrace the uniqueness. Don't forget all the ways that God has provided through dear friends and family. They are praying for and supporting you and that is the best gift of all. Study the secret of being content - it starts at the roots. Be wide-eyed and sentimental but don't hold too tightly to plans or "ideals". The simple yet profound goals are to glorify God and get married, everything else is extra, not priority. Take it all in and work hard, but don't set your heart on silly desires or let your eyes glaze over with envy. It isn't about you... truly it isn't. It is about God and His marvelous gifts."

A blog post wasn't exactly on my "to do" list today, but I needed a break so what better way to do it? I've been struggling to journal and blog like I used to, as cliche as it sounds, I simply don't have time to sit down and write, but I wish I did. I look back on the last 200+ days in awe at how fast they have truly f l o w n by. Everyone told me it would go fast, but I didn't expect it to be going this fast! Our "longest chain on earth" is already quite short and in just sixty days our whole lives will change. I've been getting increasingly more sappy and busy with each passing day, but I am trying to treasure up in my heart all the wonderful blessings and joys of this special time.

A few weeks ago I did take some time to write a letter to myself because sometimes you just need to preach to your own face for a while until truths become more true than the lies in your head... or at least I do! I wrote it like I would write to Samantha if she was getting married. At first it made me laugh, but re-reading that letter has given me much needed perspective on several occasions. It is astounding how quickly my heart turns to my own desires and my own plans and dreams... it is astounding how selfish of a human I can be. And yet, what is even more astounding, is that through it all God's grace abounds more and more than I could ever deserve. So many people have come along side of us to helps us in every way possible that it truly floors me. 'Tomorrow' is coming; I will wake up one of these days and it will be Tomorrow. For now, I need to learn the secret of being content with each day of work, each day of planning, and each day that God's mercy and grace is new in the morning.

{For more consistent updates of my wonderfully sappy, random, and odd life, feel free to follow me on Instagram @imemilyjane. Word of caution: I'm not kidding when I say it is sappy. I'm a softy for anything romantic, whimsical, or sentimental and I like to capture as much as possible in a snap.)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Little Women

"You have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life?"
-Little Women

I grew up reading Little Women and imagining that the March sisters were real humans that I could spend time with. A few weekends ago I met them... I don't know if a more accurate group of sisters could personify Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy like Sarah, Emily, Anna, and Kristin do. When Emily asked me to take their photos, I basically passed out from happiness. As a photographer there are times when you creep on people and imagine how awesome it would be to photograph them... (yeah it is a sad truth that I admit I have done) but then sometimes, those dreams take flight and become reality! It was an honor to capture these stunning ladies and their adorable friendship. 


"I could never love anyone as I love my sister."

"Meg and Jo" (Not in order of age, but how I think of them ;) 

"Beth and Amy"

You probably wont believe me, but I hardly edited this photo. When I saw it I couldn't stop staring. Em, you are gorgeous!!

 Seriously, wow. 

This plaid scarf and Kristin's adorable smile are the cutest!

Such a radiant smile!

I thought it couldn't get any better, but then we found this church/house...

Basically the March's house!! I was inwardly (and maybe a little outwardly) freaking out.

Thank you guys for making my job so easy and so fun! I had a blast with you all despite the cold and I felt like I was living a childhood dream ;} (Also, I hope this blog post helps a little bit while you wait for your package since you have all been so patient and amazing!)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dominic + Charity {A Valentine's Day Wedding}

For the last month, I have been reminded of Charity and Dominic's wedding every day as I have been working through editing their wedding photos. It was a privilege to capture their day and I've loved seeing their sweet smiles and adoring looks over and over. Every time I've done a wedding, I have worked with a different second shooter. This time I got to bring along my own favorite person and it was so fun to see him in that environment!  


I love camp relationships. Not just the lovey dovey ones that end in wedding bells... but the friend to friend ones, where the same girls you teched with at age 14 are now doing each others hair, taking pictures, and standing up with the bride as her maid of honor. These girls are so naturally beautiful and it was a joy working with them! Charity was totally radiant 


I think the fact that I am planning and thinking about wedding stuff so often made this day even more special and significant. All the little details stood out to me and I wanted to capture them so that the memory would last. I love all the little things that were so them!






Aren't these flowers beautiful? They were put together by Charity's sister-in-law, Samantha who runs Samantha Designs .





This is Charity's little nephew, he is so precious!

One of my favorite parts about this day..... the dressssssssss <3 *wow* it was super elegant and I could go on, but I'll let the pictures do the talking. 



They decided to do a first look and it was so sweet. The way Dominic looks at his girl is super wonderful... you can see it in his eyes!



I think the best way to sum up these lovely people is through the words of the maid of honor, Emily Steffen. Her speech was thoughtful and it perfectly described them, so I figured I would just use her own words...

"I remember teching at Camp Barakel my junior year of high school and hearing the name Charity Hendrickson for the very first time. Her name was used only in conversation to talk about the beauty of her character, her servants heart, her love for the Lord and others, her joyfulness, etc. I heard about her so much, that it felt like I knew her and in all honesty I wanted to know her. Week ten of that summer God presented the opportunity for that. I finally met Charity Hendrickson. 

The Charity Hendrickson that I had heard so much about. She was even more incredible than people said.  I know that this is because of God's love pouring out of her. It is so clear. In One's lifetime, very few people can say that they have a type of friendship or friendships that are so God orchestrated. Those type of friendships that just click from the beginning and once the friendship began time nor distance could tear it apart. You could go years without seeing each other and the minute you saw each other again it was like it had always been. That is Charity's friendship to me. One of the very few God orchestrated friendships that I have. After that year at camp we spent summers serving along side of each other and I couldn't help but think what type of guy could deserve her?

 Dominic I'm so glad it was you. Charity and I would go on walks or sit in the chapel dreaming and talking of what it would be like and what it will look like when we both met the men God had in store for us, what it would be like to fall in love and marry. Charity, your time is finally here! Dominic, you are a God fearing man who loves Charity whole heartedly. Just seeing the way you look at her says it all. I couldn't have picked a better man for her. I never thought a man could ever be good enough and then there was you. You are a servant, a gentleman, loving, and caring. I'm grateful that it was you. I pray for this new adventure God has for you both. May you continue to fall more  in love with the Lord everyday and more in love with the each other because of it." - Emily Steffen

The smiles abound!

{P.S. this is Emily Steffen - she is awesome!}


Then my personal favorite time, capturing the newly wedded couple as they giggle about being Mr. and Mrs., and get lost in the joy of realizing they are now married and kind of forget that other people exist ;). It was so cold outside (like -17 degrees without the windchill). But they did great and we even ventured outside for a few shots.

Then we went inside to this little back room that I had seen and I got my favorite photos from the day. I asked Charity if I could get some photos of just her, but when Dominic came to watch, they just kept looking at each other ;) It was precious so I let him jump in again.

Daddy-daughter dance, so sweet!


Everyone braved the temperatures to pelt the happy couple with bird seeds.

And they are off!


Charity and Dominic, it was a pleasure being a part of your day. May God bless your marriage as you grow together to serve Him!

Some photos taken by Xavier