For those of you who haven't heard my story... I figured, ah what the heck, why not?
A few Thursdays ago I woke up exhausted.
Not too surprising. I'm sure many people wake up that way. I usually do pretty well on only about six hours of sleep but that particular morning a felt like I was living in a fog. It was like a heavy weight was pulling my eyelids down. I knew I would have a long day. I was working 5 hours at the bank and babysitting for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I just kept thinking "I can't do today."
*secret from Emily's present - I sometimes fall asleep in the shower*
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I don't really know how to explain that one. hahaha. But on that morning I had leaned my head against the wall as the words "I can't do today" kept replaying over and over.
I startled awake and panicked.
I knew I was going to be late for work. I can't stand being late, so I jumped out of the shower and grabbed my phone to see how many precious minutes had been wasted. I had to look at it three times before I comprehended what had happened.
It read 12:51
Yep. It was midnight. I had been asleep for a total of about 85 minutes before I somehow sleepwalked to the shower and started getting ready for my day. I had even picked out a cute outfit and everything!
There was not a better feeling than getting back into bed and knowing I had the full night left to sleep! I'm pretty sure I fell asleep grinning from ear to ear.
This has been story time with Emily :) Tune in next time to hear more odd stories!
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